
Welcome to the Learning Clock. This tool is designed in accordance with Dr. Andrew Huberman’s innovative learning protocols, as detailed on hubermanlab.com.

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We must be alert to trigger neuroplasticity (later, sleep completes the neuroplasticity/learning process). Getting alert involves many mechanisms but mainly the release of epinephrine (adrenaline) in the brain and body. One simple way to become more alert is 25-30 deep breaths (inhales through the nose, and exhales through the mouth). Then exhale your air and hold your breath with lungs empty for 15-60 seconds. Then inhale once and hold your breath. But don’t force the breath hold; start to breathe normally immediately once you feel the impulse to breathe. Whether you rely on caffeine or not (I certainly do in the early portion of the day), try this prior to a learning bout.

When you are ready move to the next protocol!